Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Barack Obama is my president….

The election is finally at an end and no my candidate did not win. So what? Should I go out and buy a bunch of Nobama and he’s not MY president bumper stickers?
I think not.
We have to accept that in our country sometimes we get a leader with whom we do not agree on everything…or even agree with on very little….nothing. I happen to like the balance…sometimes right sometimes left. A one party system would be quite a nightmare…Just ask the North Koreans or pre invasion Iraqis.
I watched Obama’s victory speech and it was very good.( I’ll even go so far as to say very very good) His public speaking has never been at issue with me anyway but I thought he did a really good job last night (his kids get a puppy yippy!!! Come on if that didn’t warm your heart then you have none.). He was very humble and reached out to those that did not vote for him and 46% of Americans is no small number.
I ended the night believing that he honestly wants to make the USA a better place. I might not agree with the way he is going to end up going about it all but at least he wants to make is better. I WILL NOT question his motives.
I’ve spent the last 8 years listening to left wing zealots who seem to believe that George Bush is the root of all evil and wants to go out of his way to make the world a terrible place. I don’t believe that was ever the case. I think Bush honestly believed he was working toward making the world better and had no malice….just perhaps different methods then some of us would have chosen.
So I will spend the next 4 years rooting for Obama to succeed because I honestly want my country to succeed. (I love my country and happen to think it’s the best on Earth…sorry if that offends any globalists out there.) If he does a good job and honors all Americans, including the 46% that did not vote for him, then we can make it 8 years. I will not have an issue at all with that. Perhaps he could end up veering hard left just like Clinton did initially….and face a republican congress in two years.
He talks a good game of that I have no doubt but I don’t think even Obama knows what he is going to be like when he is the one making the decisions and taking the lead. He cannot just vote present anymore he has to make the hard choices. If God forbid he should end up deploying more troops to Afghanistan, as he said he might, I fear I will wait in vain for the left wing protests.
As of January the Democrats are running the entire show (Executive and both houses) so you guys had better show us what you’ve got. America will be watching. I will be rooting for success because after all Barack Obama is my president…well in January he will be anyway.

P.S. to Jeremiah Wright
The US of KKKA elected a black president…maybe you should rethink how racist we actually are. Race was never a factor for me…how about you?
“I have a dream that a man will not be judged by the color of his skin but the content of his character.” I'm paraphrasing...

P.P.S I'm still rooting for Norm Coleman. I met him once, many moons ago, at the state fair and had a chance to talk with him. I came away with the belief that he is one of the good guys and his heart is in the right place...Yet I still voted for Ventura...sorry Norm. I thought and still think you should run for one office at a time and he had Just been electad Mayor of St. Paul. Yes I'm talking to you Mr I'm running for senate and VP Biden.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The best thing ever!

After we left the Grand Canyon I used up some unspent guilt point because we missed the best thing ever to make a stop at an old air museum. This was one of my favorite things mostly because there was not 1000 people there. Can you see the ghost in the backseat?
Another old car.
I got to see a Me 109 in real life how cool is that?
I tried to get a shot of the cockpit but there was too much glare. Oh and I was breaking the rules to cross the ropes and touch the plane I'm such a criminal. Again nobody was around so....
ad signs on old Route 66...more to come

On the road....

....And not with Jack Kerouac. This is where we spent much of our trip. Nice van and much better then sitting in an airplane.
Some of us dealt with driving around better then others. Actually Mya was pretty good for the most part with driving.
This is the best vacation ever!!!
Its a Joshua tree just like U2!

More to come...

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Vacation Photos

These pictures will be presented in no particular order as I get time to upload them and comment. This is a mountain veiw we passed on the way to somewhere....
Here is my mother and her uncle and aunt as we ate lunch in Laughin Nevada
I was experimenting with night shooting and thought this one looked cool.
I'm quite sure that the kids would have been content if the entire vacation was spent in grandmas pool.

Overall it was a most excellent vacation and I've got a ton of photos to post as time allows I just wanted to get started at some point....more to come.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Tech Support!!!!

This Beach Boys song plays at my work. I usually shot out "Tech Support!!! I wanna wake up!!!" Nobody gets it. They are so lame.

Maybe this means I think my job is a lucid dream gone wrong..."It's a nightmare!!!"

I'm off to vacationland for the week and will be planning for regular weekly blogging upon my return.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

War Dogs!!!

So since I got the new computer set up I've spent most of my time playing Rome Total War. I was just experimenting with taking screenshots here. This is one of my favorite things to do so far in the game. Sic my war dogs on fleeing Gauls!!! For the record they started this war not me....I was happy just to trade with them in peace.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More zoo pics...

My thoughts were "Is that thing alive? My dog is bigger then that wolf"

Mya was very tired and RUNNING to lie down on every bench.

How much do we love having our picture taken?

If I was John Locke I would eat it.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Guess who's back...a day at the zoo.

I'm looking forward to an additional 7-8 hours a week at home and not sitting in my truck commuting soon so I decided to start in on a regular blog again. We shall see how it goes and hope the old CPU cooperates.

We went to the Minnesota zoo a few weeks ago and I brought along the camera...which I bought a while back to support the blog I no longer into a bit of trouble I did...long ago...

This first one is a Russian Bear who seemed to like the attention he got while swimming.

This little prairie dog seemed into getting his picture taken so I obliged.

The lighting was a bit bad but can you see the dolphin?

Mya and Marcus with the turtle statue...

I had a lot more photos but in the interest of time I'll leave it at that for now. I just wanted to get this thing up and running for now. Until next time...